Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Journal 2: Join the Flock and Enhance your Twitter Experience

            Ferguson, H. (2010). Join the flock!. ISTE: Learning and Leading37(8), 13-15. Retrieved from 

            Miller, S. M. (2010). Enhance your twitter experience.ISTE: Learning and Leading37(8), 15-17. Retrieved from 

Summary: In the article "Join the Flock" by Hadley Ferguson, we are first introduced to the term "PLN", which is a community of individuals around the world who are learning together (2010:13). This term is introduced in order to explain the social networking website Twitter. Mainly, this article is an way of explaining how to use twitter in an educational and beneficial way. For instance, the author explains that Twitter is an amazing tool in connecting with people who share similar interests. Basic concepts of twitter are also explained, like how to "follow" someone, what a hash tag is, and the importance of citing your resources. It is clear that the main purpose was to introduce Twitter and its basic components.

In the article "Enhance your Twitter Experience", the author Shannon Miller builds on readers knowledge of twitter by introducing organization systems online, twitter terminology, and how to manage tweets with a bookmark. She also speaks of the importance of not only utilizing information but giving it as well. 

Question 1: Why is it important to expose yourself on Twitter and not only utilize other peoples tweets?

Answer: It is important to expose yourself because when you actually share your ideas with others you will be able to connect and learn so much more from your followers rather then just sitting back and looking at everyone's information they have found and offered to share. Twitter is a site made for users to open up and explore the different elements of the web site. It is important to know that twitter can be used educationally as well as socially, therefore, in order to gain more information in both areas, tweets need to be given as well as received. 

Question 2: What is the point of using a twitter organizer and what are a couple different ones?

Answer: Shannon Miller offers both tweetdeck and hootsuite as good twitter organizers. She also shares that they are useful because you can organize your twitter stream into columns such as all friends, direct messages, etc. You can open and close as many columns as you want and it is just an easier way of seeing all your twitter components laid out. For people with a lot of different tabs open all the time on their computer (like most students), this is a very useful tool. Most would agree that it could be frustrating having so many tabs open and clicking back and forth between them. With tweetdeck or hootsuite, all your friends, messages, tweets, etc, are all on one page in front of you.

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